martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Blood Red Throne (Discografía Completa)

Blood Red Throne


Blood Red Throne es una banda de Death Metal formada en Kristiansand, Noruega en 1998. En el año 2003, Blood Red Throne lanza un Split con la banda de Brutal Death Metal Severe Torture, A Taste For Butchery, título que combina el nombre del EP de Blood Red Throne A Taste For Blood y el EP de Severe Torture Butchery Of The Soul.

El 23 de Abril del 2010, Blood Red Throne anunció a través de su MySpace que el guitarrista Tchort dejo la banda debido a "compromisos familiares" y será reemplazado por Ivan "MeathooK" Gujic de Neongod para terminar el resto de la gira de ese año.

País/Country: Norway
Género/Genre: Death Metal
Año/Year: 1998
Status: Active
Lyrical Themes: Murder, Death, Gore
Død - guitars (1998-present)
Ivan Gujic - Guitars (2010-present)
Ole Bent Madsen - Bass (2011-present)
Yngve Bolt Christansen - Vocals (2011-present)



Monument of Death (2001)

1. Portrait of a Killer 05:33
2. Souls of Damnation 03:41
3. The Children Shall Endure 03:19
4. Dream Controlled Murder 04:25
5. Mary Whispers of Death 04:53
6. Ravenous War Machine 05:56
7. Malignant Nothingness 03:33
8. Monument of Death 03:08
9. Path of Flesh 04:24

Affiliated with the Suffering (2003)

1. Unleashing Hell 03:48
2. A Dream of Death 03:46
3. Bleeders Lament 03:43
4. Mandatory Homicide / Death Inc. 03:37         
5. Razor Jack 03:55
6. Chaos Rising! 03:27
7. Gather the Dead 03:51
8. Affiliated with the Suffering 04:03
9. Malediction 03:12

Altered Genesis (2005)

1. Death to Birth 02:41
2. Incarnadine Mangler 03:44    
3. Tortured Soul Appearance 04:52
4. Eye-Licker 04:02
5. Mephitication 04:38
6. Arterial Lust 04:56
7. Flesh to Destroy 03:47
8. Ripsaw Resentment 04:24
9. Altered Genesis - Creation and Sudden Demise 05:41
10. Smite 03:51
11. State of Darkness 03:50
12. Deliberate Carnage 03:42

Come Death (2007)

1. Slaying the Lamb 05:07
2. Deranged Assassin 06:05
3. Rebirth in Blood 04:52
4. Guttural Screams 04:16
5. Taste of God 04:12
6. No New Beginning 05:15
7. Come Death 04:31
8. Disincarnated (Gorguts cover) 04:22
9. Another Kill 03:53

Souls of Damnation (2009)

1. The Light, the Hate 04:19
2. Harme 04:35
3. Throne of Damnation 03:37
4. Human Fraud 04:17
5. Demand 03:32
6. Your Cold Flesh 03:35
7. Prove Yourself Dead 04:36
8. Not Turgenjev, But Close 03:32
9. Ten Steps of Purgatory 06:41

Brutalitarian Regime (2011)

1. Brutalitarian Regime 02:53
2. Graveworld 03:30
3. Trapped, Terrified, Dead 04:53
4. Eternal Decay 04:14
5. Games of Humiliation 04:18
6. The Burning 04:00
7. Proliferated unto Hemophobia 04:24
8. Melena 04:16
9. Parnassian Cacoepy 05:10
10. Twisted Truth (Pestilence cover) 03:48

Blood Red Throne (2013)

1. Soulseller 04:01
2. In Hell I Roam 04:22
3. Hymn of the Asylum 03:07
4. Primitive Killing Machine 04:05
5. Deatholation 03:50
6. Torturewhore 03:44
7. Exoneration Manifesto 04:39
8. Dødens makt 03:01
9. March of the Undying 05:04

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